Thursday, July 5, 2007

Airlines Indonesia Issues

Brussels, 4th July 2007
Airlines black list: Commission adopts new measures against unsafe carriers.
Today, the European Commission adopted the fourth update of theCommunity list of airlines banned in the European Union. This listincludes an operating ban of all Indonesian airlines as well as of theAngolan flag carrier, TAAG Angolan airlines, and of Volare AviationEnterprise from Ukraine. The restrictions previously imposed onPakistan International Airlines are modified. In addition, airlinesfrom Russia (10) Bulgaria (6) and Moldova (8) have to stop theiroperations in the European Union on the basis of new measures adoptedby these States following consultations with the European Commission.'Once more, the EU black list will prove to be an essential tool notonly to prevent unsafe airlines from flying to Europe and to informpassengers travelling worldwide but also to make sure that airlinesand civil aviation authorities take appropriate actions to improvesafety,' said Jacques Barrot, Commission Vice-president in charge of transport.
The measures adopted by the Commission include, in particular:(1) a ban on all the 51 airlines certified in Indonesia;(2) a ban on the Angolan passengers carrier, TAAG Angola Airlines;(3) a ban on a cargo operator from Ukraine, Volare Aviation Enterprise;(4) the operational restriction already imposed on PakistanInternational Airlines (PIA) since March 2007 is modified in order toallow operations into the Community with specific Boeing 747 andAirbus 310 aircraft in addition to its Boeing 777 fleet alreadyauthorised;(5)a revision of the list of existing Kyrgyz companies inserted in theList.Besides this update of the EU black list, other preventive safetymeasures have been adopted unilaterally by some national civilaviation authorities following consultations with the EuropeanCommission, in particular:
- The Russian Federation decided to prohibit all operations to the EUby four local passengers airlines (Kuban Airlines, Yakutia Airlines,Airlines 400, Kavminvodyavia) and imposed restrictions to theoperations of six other operators (Gazpromavia, UTAir, KrasAir, AtlantSoyuz, Ural Airlines and Rossyia) limiting the number of aircraft usedfor such flights.
- Bulgaria decided to extend the measures imposed on local cargocarriers by revoking the certificates of Air Sofia, Bright AviationServices, Scorpion Air and Vega Airlines, suspending Air Scorpio andprohibiting operations of Heli Air Services in EU Member States aswell as in Iceland, Norway and Switzerland.- The Republic of Moldova withdrew the certificates of eight carriers(Valan, Pecotox, Jetline International, Jetstream, AeroportulMarilescu, Aeronord, Grixona and Tiramavia) which were not subject toan appropriate safety oversight.
The new list is available on the Commission's website:

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